Wednesday, February 6, 2013

hey Spike what do you like?

sweatshirt: Forever 21
jeans: gift from a friend
scarf: thrifted
boots: Pink Basis
bag: Nine West (similar -in beige)
rings: H&M
bracelets: Greece & diy

First of all, let's acknowledge that I have a top knot. It will probably never happen again, so eat it up now! My hair just wasn't cooperating. Second, this sweatshirt is bad ass, yes? I found it just in the knick of time at F21 because now they have ones almost identical in store, but without the leather bits on the shoulders. Boo! It's online though, don't worry. I adore this though and I'll definitely get a lot of wear out of it. That is if the spikes will stay on this time! (One wash, and two of them had to be reattached..)

I obviously piled on the jewelry, with two of my favorite bracelets, and paired everything with this bright green Nine West bag that my grandma bought me. The woman has taste! It's appropriate for any season but  it made me feel more spring-y, even if there's snow..everywhere.

I also just want to say thanks to everyone who commented yesterday's post. The youtube channel has been a long time coming and I'm so happy its being received well. Seriously, thank you.


  1. You look so cute! I love the top knot on you, and that bag is such a fun color - it makes your whole outfit pop more :)

  2. Great look on you.

    If you get a sec, check out my latest look 'Structured Stripes'.

    Stay beautiful,


    Be featured on Stylishly In Love: If you would like a chance to be featured on my fashion blog, then email me ( a picture of your go-to outfit for Valentine's Day. In honor of Valentine's day I will be featuring 14 bloggers. Make sure to email me by February 11th.
    Thank you.

  3. I do love your rings and bag. But, you're makeup is looking crazy good. Love it. Love it.

    1. Thank you :) You should watch my Everyday Makeup video, on yesterday's blog post.

  4. Cute outfit! I really like the studs on your shoulder, and have to say the top knot looks good, suits you :)

  5. Cute look! That sweater is too fun! Love the shoulder detail!


  6. I love spike details on clothes, but especially on shoes. I am new to your blog, so I should say your top knot is pretty cute! Wear it again( if your hair lets you)!


  7. Love that shade of green on your bag, so chic and love how bold you are with the bag, it's defo a statement piece. So glad I clicked on your comment that led me back to your blog, your posts' contents are info and image juicy so expect to be seeing some regular comments from me. I've just bought a new pair of SS13 Céline loafers in hopes to provoke in minimalism, I'd say it's still quite provoking, do tell what you think on my investment on these new hooves lol ;)

    xx The Provoker

  8. That sweatshirt is definitely awesome! And I love your green bag :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  9. love your blouse

  10. Great shirt, love the detailing and absolutely love the color of your bag :D

    x Cammie

  11. Your sweatshirt is a-dorable! Also, love your gages :)



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